“3D with CATIA - do you “speak” the language of the most successful 3D designers?” Join the first seminar of our Digital Academy on 26th of March at 1:00 PM. - HAYCAD INFOTECH - Engineering and business solutions


“3D with CATIA - do you “speak” the language of the most successful 3D designers?” Join the first seminar of our Digital Academy on 26th of March at 1:00 PM.
“3D with CATIA - do you “speak” the language of the most successful 3D designers?” Join the first seminar of our Digital Academy on 26th of March at 1:00 PM.
“3D with CATIA - do you “speak” the language of the most successful 3D designers?”
Join the first seminar of our Digital Academy on 26th of March at 1:00 PM.
Opportunity for every engineer to learn more about one of the most popular 3D design solutions - CATIA.
Register here: https://tinyurl.com/wjfnw32


“3D с CATIA - владееш ли езика на успешните конструктoри?”
Присъедини се към първия семинар от нашата Дигитална академия на 26.03 от 13 часа.
Възможност за всички инжинери да се запознаят с едно от най-разпространените решения за 3D проектиране в света - CATIA.
Регистрирайте се на: https://tinyurl.com/wjfnw32
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